Support CIRI as the Voice of IR in Canada

CIRI’s mandate is to contribute to the transparency and integrity of the Canadian capital market by advancing the practice of IR, the professional competency of its members and the stature of the profession. A key component of fulfilling this mandate is keeping members apprised of important issues affecting IR and proactively advocating to effect change.

These activities are driven by CIRI’s Issues Committee, which is responsible for identifying and analyzing important issues and their impact on IR. The Committee informs members of the issues, explaining their impact on IROs through publications and events.

If the issue has the potential to significantly impact IROs, CIRI will prepare comments for submission. These are informed through surveys or discussions with CIRI members and are considered in a broad context to ensure that CIRI’s position upholds the transparency and integrity of the capital markets. If beneficial, CIRI will seek alliances with other associations to increase awareness of an issue and strengthen CIRI’s voice.

How do CIRI’s advocacy efforts benefit IROs and the IR profession?

CIRI not only monitors issues to educate members but proactively advocates for change for the betterment of the IR profession. Hear how IROs have leveraged these efforts to improve their IR practices.

Issues Backgrounders

Periodic publications alerting and informing CIRI members of legislative and regulatory issues affecting IR.

Regulatory Update Events

Regulatory update events that inform CIRI members of issues and provide an opportunity to voice opinions directly to the regulators.


Submissions published publicly in response to a request for comments or proactively when an issue has high importance to the IR profession.

Regulatory Resources

An extensive list of publicly available regulatory resources relevant to issuers.

Current IR Issues

  • Activist Short Selling
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Continuous Disclosure Obligations
  • Cybersecurity
  • Diversity
  • Promotional Activity Disclosure
  • Shareholder Activism
  • Shareholder Transparency
  • Sustainability Reporting

Have an IR issue?

If you know of an IR issue that CIRI should be following that isn't listed above, contact Nathalie Megann.